Since the debut of Pastor's Corner, many parishioners have offered constructive suggestions: some hope to have a Question Box set up; some hope to continue to have donation amounts published every Sunday. Regarding the latter, I have already explained clearly to the members of the Donation Counting Team that I completely trust their public accountability. Besides the income figures, expense figures should also be published on the bulletin. As a result, I decided to have the balance sheet published on a regular basis.

On October 6, we will celebrate the feast of our patron saints and the 15th anniversary of our parish. We invited Bishop Grecco, successor of Bishop Meagher, to be the guest celebrant. At first, Bishop Grecco accepted the invitation. However, since His Eminence has to attend a canonization in Rome, we will have Fr. Paul Pang as the guest celebrant. Mass will commence at 6pm instead of 8pm so that you will have enough time to attend the banquet that night. More details will be announced later.

At 2pm on that same day, you may participate in the Life Chain event organized by Campaign Life Coalition (1-800-730-5358). Even though Campaign Life Coalition is a non-faith-based international organization, it is commended by various denominations.