“Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” (Luke 11:9) We can understand why the disciples did not ask, seek or knock on the door, when they were together with Jesus. It is because they already felt fulfilled and complete. Nevertheless, Jesus wished for them to continue to ask and to seek. From this we can see that Jesus’ message was very strong – we must continue to seek diligently. Before Jesus’ ascension into Heaven, he had promised to send the Holy Spirit to continue His work here on earth. Thus we must first pray that the Holy Spirit may work within us. How are we to open our hearts, so that the Holy Spirit can work within us? First, when we pray, we have to trust in God’s mercy and love. Secondly, we have to be focused, so as to avoid being distracted in our prayer. Thirdly, we must be consistent in the frequency and pattern of our prayer. Lastly, we must have the conviction to finish our journey to sainthood. Of course, this sort of determination is renewed at the beginning of each day.