Happy New Year, and God Bless!

The following is extracted from an interview done by Julie L. Rattey from the Catholic Digest with Jim Caviezel, the actor who played the role of Jesus Christ in the movie “Passion of the Christ”.

“I asked Father Bill Fulco (a translator and theology consultant for the film) if he would expose the Host while I was doing the Last Supper scene. At that point the only way to do my job effectively was prayer. I said, Just use me as a reflection. I want them not to see me, I want them only to see You.”

“The thing with this business is: No matter how much money you have and how much people adore you, you can't have everything, nor do you want it, because if you did, you would not have peace.”

“My wife and I always pray together. We're much better that way. It was set up that way when you get married: It's between the wife, the husband, and God.”

“The big thing is that I try to be charitable, I try to listen, and I know it ain't easy for anybody out there, but I do want to say there is hope and I do believe that good will eventually win out. Accept what your faith is and just do it and, man, let grace take over and it will come through.”

Let us live like Jim Caviezel and have a Year 2005 that is filled with peace and grace.