Cardinal Aloysius Ambrozic’s Golden Anniversary of Ordination

Last Saturday, June 4, was the 50th anniversary of the ordination of Archbishop of Toronto Cardinal Aloysius Ambrozic. We joined him in a special thanksgiving mass at St. Michael’s Cathedral on June 7.

Cardinal Ambrozic was originally from ex-Yogoslavia, and he immigrated to Canada in the year 1948. Shortly afterwards, he studied theology at St. Augustine Seminary and was ordained in 1955. He said, “I entered the seminary, not because I was especially holy, but because I was interested and willing to try.”

Cardinal Ambrozic is a theologian, specializing in the Gospel of Mark.

He accepted the role of the Archbishop of Toronto on March 7, 1990, and on February 21, 1998 he was chosen by Pope John Paul II to become a cardinal.

To young people who are interested in joining the seminary, he says: “It is not necessary to come in first in everything. Live with a spirit of service and sacrifice so you can help others discover their potential. Lastly, you must have the spirit to obey.”

Although the Cardinal is seventy-five years old and at retirement age, he had been asked to continue his pastoral role by the late Pope John Paul II.

At his Golden Anniversary, we wish him good health – and may God shower his blessings upon him.

Note: We will be making a pilgrimage to Medjugorje on the 18th of this month. If you wish to write a letter to Holy Mary, please drop it off in the mailbox in front of my office. These letters will be given to visionaries who will in turn, submit them to Holy Mary.