“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me” (John 10:27). Who are Our Lord’s sheep? Peoples of all nations, without a doubt! At least, this is what Jesus hoped for, since He once said, “There shall be one flock and one shepherd” (John 10:16). This also resonates with His prayer during the Last Supper, “May all of them be one!” (John 17:20). At night, sheep belonging to different shepherds gather in the same community pen, and they are all guarded by one shepherd. The next morning, each shepherd, using their own voice, calls out to their sheep and the sheep find their respective owners and follow him. Therefore, Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice.” Jesus is the shepherd that God sent to us, and His task is to lead us all back into the embrace of God. In fact, we are all from God, and will return to Him in the near future. Angels who did not want to live in God has left God, and they plot to divert our ways of living away from God. It can be said that it is in our nature to be able to hear God’s messages. All we have to do is to keep peace in our hearts, and ask for guidance from the Holy Spirit. Consequently, Jesus will touch our hearts.