One of the ambassadors of this year’s World Youth Day is a seven-year-old Australian girl named Sophie Delezio. When she was three, the car she was in was hit and burned, causing her to lose both of her legs, several fingers, and her right ear. Then when she was six, her wheelchair was struck by a car. When her father was interviewed, he said, “I believe that Blessed Mary MacKillop has interceded to save Sophie’s life, and thanked. I want to thank all for prayers and well-wishes for my family.”

The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference chose Sophie to be an ambassador for WYD partly as an encouragement for her, and partly to let all young people know the importance of a positive attitude to life.

I have recently talked about a young New Zealander by the name of Nick, who was born without any limbs. Today, he is a Protestant missionary.

St. Paul said, “For when I am weak, then I am strong.” On the other hand, when we are strong, then we are weak; for it is when we are weak that we would depend on God alone. Physically, Sophie and Nick are both weak,; but with God’s help, they have become powerful witnesses to God.