When they rise from the dead, they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but they are like the angels in heaven. (Mark 12:25) In the Bible, the real evidence of the resurrection of our body can be found in the Book of Daniel. "Many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake; some shall live forever, others shall be an everlasting horror and disgrace." (Daniel 12:2) The concept of the Resurrection comes from the Israelites. They believe that God has the power and control over life and death. "The LORD puts to death and gives life; he casts down to the nether world; he raises up again.” (1 Samuel 2:6) The Israelites in Jesus' time, besides the scholars of the time, everyone believed in the theory of the Resurrection. Jesus understands the concept of resurrection, being only for the good. However, everyone's resurrection is included in the teachings of Day of Judgement. Angels are uncorrupted spirits; they are the messengers of God, guardians, they await in front of the altar to serve God, they pray, adore and sing praises to God. When one had passed away, the spirit can always pray, adore, and sign praises to God. Before Jesus resurrected Jairus' daughter, he spoke to the crowd who were yelling: "Why this commotion and weeping? The child is not dead but asleep." Therefore, only when a soul with the absence of love, there is real death. Dear God, please help us in abiding in your love.