“The Son of Man is lord of the sabbath.” (Luke 6:5) Please listen to the interpretations of the church fathers on sabbath: St Jerome: “On sabbath, one should guard one's soul. On that day, one should absolutely not bear the heavy burden of sins into the door of Jerusalem (which meant the church). On the contrary, on sabbath, one should sanctify oneself.” Origen : “Men who are not bothered by earthly affairs, but concentrate on spiritual developments, are keeping the sabbath and presenting the offerings of the sabbath. Don't carry heavy yokes on the road, as heavy yokes are indeed all sins.” St. Augustine : “In the times of the Old Testament, the Israelites would stop all physical works to celebrate the sabbath. This signified that believers obtained rest through sanctification by the Holy Spirit. The Sabbath has not been abolished but changed to a new meaning. Thus, believers no longer need to keep the sabbath physically but spiritually. And understanding of Jesus' words 'Come to me, all of you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.' (Matthew 11:28) will receive spiritual peace.” St. Thomas Aquina : “Sabbath means that Jesus gives us peace in spirit.” Origen : “The true Sabbath, i.e. the day when God will stop all his work, is in the next life. On that day, there will be no pain, sorrow or sighing, and every thing belongs to God and God fills every thing. On that Sabbath, we will celebrate with God's angels. We will offer to God our thanks and keep to the Most High our promises.” The Sabbath of Jesus is the day that our first parents lost and was given back to us by Jesus himself.