Today’s Gospel quotes the words from Psalm 118:22: "The stone that builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone". The founder of Neo-catechumen was a street artist, the person who started the Focolare Movement was an elementary teacher, and before Mother Teresa founded the order of Missionaries of Charity, she was an elementary teacher as well. Although they were not renowned, by responding to God’s call they have established inspiring careers in our Church. Vietnamese Cardinal F. X. Nguyen Van Thuan, who has just passed away, was the president of the Pontifical Council of Justice and Peace. During Lent he received a special invitation from Pope John Paul II to preach the Lenten Retreat. After Vietnam was taken over by communism, Cardinal Thuan was imprisoned for 13 years. At that time he thought: I lost my diocese, I lost my church, then, this jail, is my diocese. Therefore, he treated every prison guard and all those who passed by him nicely. As a result, all the guards who had met him were baptized. In order to prevent more guards getting baptized, the superior only assigned one guard to watch him for the rest of the time. "The stone that builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone".