Human life is a gift from God; our souls are created by God. Thus our lives belong to God and shall be returned to God in the end. St. Augustine was quoted saying, “My soul is restless until it finds its rest in Thee (God)”. God is invisible to human eyes. However, we learn from Jesus that God is love. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are united by the bond of love. The Father loves the Son eternally. In the same way, the Son loves the Father. The Holy Spirit is precisely this love that exists between the Father and the Son. Jesus’ only mission on Earth was to fulfill God’s plan, that is, to bring all humanity into reconciliation with the Father. When we carry out Jesus’ new commandment of love, “Love each other as I have loved you”, we are assisting Jesus in leading humanity on a homeward bound – going home to God our Father. Let us pray that the Holy Spirit would renew our souls, so that we may be His instrument at all times.