In the time of Moses, two people who were not assembled before God by Moses spoke the words of the prophets. Towards those who complained, Moses answered, “Are you concerned about my interests? I wish that the Lord would give His spirit to all His people and make all of them shout like prophets!” (Num 11:29-30) During the time of Jesus, there were also men who were not Jesus’ disciples trying to drive out demons in Jesus’ name. He said to his disciples, “Do not try to stop him, because no one who performs a miracle in my name will be able soon afterwards to say evil things about me. For whoever is not against us is for us.” (Mark 9:39-40) Although we often believe, “Only with common morals and objectives could we work together.” The final destination is always the same. My dear brothers and sisters, it is essential for us to understand that we are working according to God’s will. Thus, we should not be blinded by our own ways and neglect to cooperate and collaborate with others.