Mother of Suffering

Many mothers have told me that they would rather take the place of their children during their times of illness or difficulty. Their anguish experienced from this sense of helplessness is comparable to the suffering of their children. When Blessed Mary was standing by the Holy Cross, she felt the same pain as her Divine Son was experiencing. Simeon had prophesied to Mary that a sword would pierce her heart.

As Jesus was hanging on the Holy Cross, He said to Mary and John, “Behold, your son….Behold, your mother.” We are fortunate to have Mary bestowed as our mother. However, we can understand Mary’s pain in losing her title as the “Mother of Savior”. Holy Mary, bearing two-folded pain and grief, is indeed both the Mother of Savior and of mankind, because she has fully carried out God’s Will.

All suffering and agony, be it from oneself such as sickness or severe distress, or from others such as our inability to help their intolerable plight, could be transformed to strength in life. All we need is to offer all our grief and anguish to God at His altar, especially for those in dire need, and to do our best in our daily duties. This way, we would naturally be able to feel the ray of light in darkness, the courage in disappointment, and the strength in weaknesses.