The Church: The Living Stone

A few renovations took place in and around our church recently. For example, maintenance work was done on the stairs leading to the main entrance, the kitchen down in the Don Bosco Hall has been renovated, and the secretary office and the meeting room have been updated. Lastly, repair work was performed on the roof and on our 10-year-old air-conditioning system. Financial resource and the urgency of the renovations have been considered, and all these maintenance work are deemed necessary. The parish maintenance team and financial team have provided me with invaluable opinions, so that the expenses spent on these constructions would not interfere with our debt repayment to the archdiocese. Maintaining a church is obviously much easier than building a new one. I am deeply impressed by all the effort that Fr. Tang’s put into building this parish!

The beauty of a church comes not only from its awe-inspiring architecture, but also from the love flowing between the churchgoers. Jesus exists between us just like He exists in the Eucharist. He said, “For where two or three are gathered in the name, I am there among them”. Each one of us is truly a living stone of the Church. Let us work relentlessly to fulfill Jesus’ dream: “Let all be one!”