World Youth Day 2005

World Youth Day 2005 will be held next August in Cologne, Germany. The theme is “We have come to worship Him”. This saying originated from the Magi who were searching for the new king. According to legend, their bones were kept at the Cathedral of Cologne.

On August 26, Pope John Paul II distributed an apostolic letter to invite all the world’s youth to prepare themselves well in this coming year to celebrate World Youth Day next year.

He said, “my dear young people, you too offer to the Lord the gold of your lives, namely, your freedom to follow Him out of love, responding faithfully to His call; let the incense of your fervent prayer rise up to him, in praise of His glory; offer Him your myrrh, that is your affection of total gratitude to Him.” “…the Magi returned home "by another way". This change of route can symbolise the conversion to which all those who encounter Jesus are called”

“Listening to Christ and worshipping Him leads us to make courageous choices, to take what are sometimes heroic decisions… When we meet Christ and accept His Gospel, life changes and we are driven to communicate our experience to others.”

“Reject the seduction of wealth, consumerism and the subtle violence sometimes used by the mass media… Worship Christ: He is the Rock on which to build your future and a world of greater justice and solidarity.”