“No prophet is accepted in his own native place.” (Luke 4:24) The reason why Jesus said these words was not because He felt unwelcome. He was sad that people from His hometown were prejudging Him. They only wished to see Jesus perform a lot more miracles in His hometown than anywhere else. Jesus knew that they did not really believe in Him. In their eyes, Jesus was just the son of a carpenter. Jesus would never mind at all that He was a carpenter’s son. His concern was that people neglected the message of the Gospel that he proclaimed. It is not difficult for Jesus to perform miracles. But to open people’s hearts and minds, it is important for them to abandon all prejudice. The reason why Jesus came into our midst is not to relieve us from all pains or sufferings, but rather to keep our faith in God’s divine mercy and love for humankind in spite of these times of trials and tribulations. Unfortunately, people wanted to push Jesus off the cliff just because He did not perform a lot of miracles in his hometown. Similarly, when we cannot set aside our preconceptions, it is not easy to achieve harmony and be reconciled with each other. To take the first step in reconcilation, we have to eliminate prejudice among ourselves. We must firmly believe that the light of the Spirit also shines upon others, and that Jesus may be manifest through them.