“Into whatever house you enter, first say, 'Peace to this household.'” (Luke 10:5) Jesus invited his disciples to become instruments of peace. To wish others peace, one must naturally have peace in his heart. This peace does not only come from having a great personal relationship with God but also from having harmonious relationships with our neighbors. Hence, Jesus invited his disciples to go in pairs on their missions. If their relationships with each other were not genial, the teachings they preach would just be hollow words. To wish others peace is characteristic of the way Jesus conducts his missions, and is the attitude we should learn to embrace about life. We often unknowingly lack the passion to offer others our blessings. Just as an insightful old saying says, “A smile in times of distraught can warm the coldest heart”, because you have given twice as much love. Let there be love, forbearance and forgiveness in wherever we go.