“God will apply the principle of ‘to whom much is given, much is required’ with perfect fairness.” (Luke 12:48) Our God is not a calculating God, but He would like us to make good use of, and to give generously the gifts – both material and spiritual – that He’s bestowed upon us. We can share with others the works that God has done on us. I received a letter from Msgr. Joseph Kiang recently. In the letter, he talked about the time when he had to stay in the hospital due to a serious illness at the beginning of this year. Parishioners and health care staff who came to visit him were surprised by Msgr. Kiang’s calmness and his constant smile. Msgr. Kiang told me a secret: he did feel the pain, and he did feel the loneliness; but he dedicated those completely to Jesus. What remained with him and flowed out of him, was that caring and grateful attitude that was observed by others. I also know of a couple who make donating rarely-worn clothes to the Salvation Army a seasonal ritual. When we keep Jesus in our hearts daily and live harmoniously with each other in the name of Jesus, the materialistic life is not of great significance anymore.