“As for you, even the hairs of your head have all been counted.” (Mt 10:30) I believe no one has ever actually counted one’s own hair. However, Jesus affirmed that “Even the hairs of your head have all been counted”. In the eyes of God, every one of us is precious. It is because of that God sacrificed His only son to redeem mankind from their sins. Why does mankind always indulge themselves? The reason: pride, self-importance and the weakness of the flesh cover up God’s image which is hidden in each of us. So, what should we do in order to restore this lost ‘True Life’? First, believe in God’s mercy on us. Second, do not withhold our forgiveness to others. Third, continue to renew and start walking the road of love. “Don’t be afraid. For those who declare publicly that they belong to me, I will do the same before my Father in heaven”. (Lk 12:7-9)