“You are my refuge, O Lord, and the joy of my salvation.”(Psalm 32) According to the writings of Leviticus, all who had contracted leprosy were considered unclean and should be isolated from others. Similarly, those who were in contact with the lepers would become unclean. The lepers were treated the same way even until Jesus’s time. However, Jesus personally touched them, blessed them and cured them because He was moved with pity. (Reference Mark 1:40-45) Blessed Mother Teresa once said, “The disease of leprosy is under control nowadays, however mankind’s disease of selfishness continues to spread across our hearts.” Therefore the sisters of the many missionary centres Mother Teresa established in the largest cities of the world give witness to the saying: “God is our refuge” by living out simple lives and serving those who live in poverty. Furthermore, every chapel in each missionary is marked with the same quote: “I thirst”, which were Jesus’s words when he was crucified on the cross. Jesus wants us to enjoy the peace and joy he brings us but we must also be willing to come to him and ask with humility, “If you choose, you can make me clean.” (Mark 1:40)