“My son, your sins are forgiven” (Mk 2:5) The sins of the paralyzed man had been forgiven because of his strong faith in Jesus. He, like the many other people, was cured because of this faithfulness. We did not know what was in their mind, but we know that Jesus always said “Your faith has saved you”. It is clear that what Jesus valued most was the change in our hearts and not that in our physical bodies. Jesus had always said “What does it profit you if you gain the whole world but lose your soul?” The problem is that we are often affected by the people, the place and the things around us. It makes us lose our direction. We always forget that we are God's children. Human behavior is completely manipulated by one's own selfishness and this is the root of all evil in humanity. The sentence - “My son, your sins are forgiven” - expressed Jesus’ wish that we could live again in ‘God’s holy will’. Let us surrender all our wrongdoings to the hands of the merciful Christ, continue to live in the spirit of the gospel with mutual love and encouragement.