“You did not choose me but I chose you.” (John 15:16)  The way Jesus led me to know Him was through the wonderful hymns of a Christian school. Due to my curiosity, my mom explained briefly to me the history of Jesus even though she was not baptised at that time. It was because of my mother’s serious illness that made us Catholics. At that time, she was admitted to a hospital operated by a Catholic church. As a result, we had the opportunity in meeting with priests and nuns. Besides the encouragement from an Italian Salesian priest, my thought of becoming a priest was also influenced by Fr. Dominic Kong, who at that time was still a seminarian. Although he is short in stature, he is exceptionally hospitable, and he makes me feel as if I am home. Jesus uses different kinds of environment settings and people to attract and guide us to His way. There are different periods in life where it seems that we have chosen Jesus himself. However, in reality, it is Jesus who arranges and guides us to the right direction. Similarly, every one of us may become His tool and spread the Good News to the needy people. Therefore, we have to be ready all the time in order to be able to work together with Jesus and become His useful tool.