“Then, after singing a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives.” (Mark 14: 26) During the Passover meal, Jesus blessed bread and wine to become His body and blood, to commemorate His sacrifice on the cross, and to replace the lamb used in the Old Testament. Jesus established the Eucharistic sacrament in harmony, as He hoped that His disciples will bear a similarly united spirit, to celebrate His death and resurrection. Leaving the Cenacle, Jesus led the disciples to the Mount of Olives then prayed alone. Jesus let His disciples understand that the path of following Christ is a difficult one. “If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily.” Just as Jesus revealed His Transfiguration to the three disciples to prepare them not to lose faith when seeing Him bleed and sweat, similarly Jesus used His Eucharist to support the disciples to remain steadfast as they accept the challenge of the Cross. When God gives humankind different graces, it is to give us more strength to overcome difficulties. No matter in the Cenacle or at Calvary, Jesus is always with us.