"Jesus called the twelve and began to send them out two by two, and gave them authority over the unclean spirits." Mark 6 : 7 The disciples who followed Jesus numbered more than twelve, but the significance of the number twelve is that it represents the twelve tribes of Israel. It is also a symbol of continuity because the coming of the Messiah is a sign that God will not abandon the Isrealites. Compared to the other disciples, the chosen twelve were not considered outstanding - we can see this in Judas, the one who betrayed Jesus; in Thomas, the one who doubted, and even in Peter who denied Jesus three times. From this we can see that God's love towards mankind is unconditional. The sending forth of the disciples in two’s is the basis of mutual love and evidence of Jesus' presence among them. "When two or three gather in my name, I will be with you." Although Jesus has given the disciples the authority over the unclean sprits, they must still fast and pray. There must be hard work and training on the part of the individual in order to combine with God's grace to bear good fruit.