Catholic Charismatic Renewal

The charismatic experience first originated from the American Christian community in the sixties. While the first Catholic charismatic movement began at Duquesne University in 1967, it quickly spread across the States, including graduate students and professors at the University of Notre Dame. As of 2003, Catholics from over 230 countries have participated in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. Lumen Gentium, the Second Vatican Council clearly stated that the manifestations of the Holy Spirit are not limited to the services or sacraments; He also distributes special graces to the faithful of every rank in order to serve the ministries better.

Members of the movement believe that the Holy Spirit has continued to manifest in the same way as described in the time of the Apostles; thus they will receive the gifts of tongues, knowledge, healing and prophecy through prayer meetings. Although the Popes have accepted and respect the movement, he encouraged the Catholic Charismatic Renewal and their local dioceses to be fostered and united as one.

When we first received the sacrament of Baptism, the Holy Spirit has filled our heart already. And when we pray for His guidance, He will grant us with whatever gifts of the Spirit we need to accomplish the task; let the Lord be present within us, to become one and in perfect harmony.