“Was there no one to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?" (Luke 17: 18) The Jews and Samaritans originally could not get along with each other. These ten lepers, nine of them were Jews, wanted Jesus to heal their sickness, and so did not mind walking together. Doesn’t Jesus hope that we are all opposed to racism and discrimination (between rich and poor)? Finally, all ten of them were healed. Why didn’t the Jews come back to give thanks to God, except for this foreigner? One of the reasons is that the Jews claimed that they belonged to a chosen race, whatever they received were naturally theirs. However, Jesus’ response indicated that He also values humankind to have a thankful heart. Once Jesus appeared to Sr. Faustina and asked, “Why didn’t you ask me for anything?” She replied, “Lord, you already know all my needs!” Jesus replied, “For me to know is one thing, for you to ask is another matter!” Obviously, Jesus treasures our prayerful and thankful heart.