In his piece “Looking at the Sichuan Earthquake from a Historical Viewpoint,” author Kong Chin had the following analysis:

“When we face a difficult situation, we have no option: As a member of nature, the only thing we can do is accept whatever happens in it. Nature is like a curriculum: It allows us to learn – to learn love, helplessness, sadness, to learn how to face our selves, others, society, and the whole nature and universe. Nature is for our renewal, not just of the damaged items, but also of our hearts and spirits. Nature is something people cannot avoid as humankind grows. It uses a special means to remove all the covers and make-ups so that truth can be exposed. Nature lets us see our true selves: beautiful, yet fragile. It shows our realities today: height, weight, and even manners.” (From Ming Pao, p. A8, May 19, 2008).

According to news reports, despite danger, tens of thousands of volunteers from various provinces go to the frontline to help earthquake victims alongside the People’s Liberation Army. The very people who have been considered materialistic and individualistic are now showing the true, loving, caring essence of humankind. Let’s hope that the Sichuan earthquake is the starting point for a more united and fraternal China.