“Now, Master, you may let your servant go in peace, according to your word!” (Luke 2:29) Simeon said those words because he was satisfied. The salvation that he had longed for was very near to him. Salvation belongs to those who eagerly long for it; because if the longing is lacking, there is naturally no gratification. Do we long for an encounter with Jesus? Today, man is too passive toward a spiritual life. The present trend in today’s world is to yearn for material comfort; spiritual life has become something that man can do without. It was the same in Jesus’ time. Jesus was crucified mainly because he unsparingly provoked the religious leaders. Nicodemus was a Pharisee but he chased after the truth earnestly, as a result he became a secret disciple of Jesus. Unfortunately, the majority of the religious enthusiasts at that time had a closed attitude, so salvation fell into the hands of the gentiles. Only those who constantly search for the truth are able to recognize easily the face of Jesus; can easily believe that Jesus is present in every person. When we can recognize Jesus in any person, wouldn’t we also be satisfied?