16 January
The “civilization” of community

From the Acts of the Apostles we can see how all Christian communities, growing and multiplying according to the laws of living organisms, all follow the same guidelines. The practice of Jesus’s commandment is the raison d’être of the community itself, and is the totally new and original aspect that sets this community apart from others.

The whole pastoral activity of the Apostles can be summed up as enabling everyone to live the new commandment, which is the summary of the Law and the Prophets. John writes, “This is the commandment that he has given us, that anyone who loves God must also love his brother” (1 Jn 4:21)

The Apostles experienced this communion with Jesus and were the first to be aware of the Kingdom of God among them. Their task was to enable others to enter into and share in this communion, for this is the original “civilization” that God wanted to share with us.

Silvano Cola

Scritti e testimonianze
Gen’s, Grottaferrata 2007, p. 57

(published by the Priestly Branch of the Focolare Movement)



司万诺•科拉(Silvano Cola)

《新青》,Grottaferrata 2007,75页