Message of OL to Mirjana (18 Mar 2014)
“Dear children! As a mother, I desire to be of help to you. With my motherly love, I desire to help you to open your heart and to put my Son in the first place in it. Through your love for my Son and through your prayer, I desire for God’s light to illuminate you and God’s mercy to fill you. In this way, I desire for the darkness, and the shadow of death which wants to encompass and mislead you, to be driven away. I desire for you to feel the joy of the blessing of God’s promise. You, children of man, you are God’s children – you are my children. Therefore, my children, set out on the ways on which my love leads you, teaches you humility and wisdom, and finds the way to the Heavenly Father. Pray with me for those who do not accept me and do not follow me – those who, because of hardness of their hearts, cannot feel the joy of humility, devotion, peace and love – the joy of my Son. Pray that your shepherds, with their blessed hands, may always give you the joy of God’s blessing. Thank you. ”
孩子,你們都是天主的子女,是我的孩子,因此,你們要跟隨我給你們愛的指引,謙卑和智慧的教導,從而找到走向天父的道路。請與我一起為那些不接受我及不願意跟隨我的人,那些因為心硬而感受不到從謙遜、虔誠、平安與愛所帶來的喜樂 —— 我的愛子所帶來的喜樂的人祈禱。祈求你們的牧者以他們已受祝福的手能時常賜給你們天主祝福的喜樂。多謝你們。
(2014年3月18 日聖母給Mirjana的訊)
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