神父講道 – 將臨期第二週 (週三) 瓜達盧佩聖母 (2018年12月12日)

恭讀聖路加福音 1:39-48

瑪利亞就在那幾日起身,急速往山區去,到了猶大的一座城。她進了匝加利亞的家,就給依撒伯爾請安。依撒伯爾一聽到瑪利亞請安,胎兒就在她的腹中歡躍。依撒伯爾遂充滿了聖神,大聲呼喊說:「在女人中妳是蒙祝福的,妳的胎兒也是蒙祝福的。吾主的母親駕臨我這裡,這是我那裡得來的呢? 看,妳請安的聲音一入我耳,胎兒就在我腹中歡喜踴躍。那信了由上主傳於她的話必要完成的,是有福的。」瑪利亞遂說:「我的靈魂頌揚上主,我的心神歡躍於天主,我的救主,因為衪垂顧了衪婢女的卑微, 今後萬世萬代都要稱我有福。」


(2nd Week of Advent – Wednesday)

A Reading from the Holy Gospel according to Luke 1:39-48

(Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe)

Mary set out and traveled to the hill country in haste to a town of Judah, where she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the infant leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit, cried out in a loud voice and said, “Most blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. And how does this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For at the moment the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the infant in my womb leaped for joy. Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled.”
And Mary said:
“My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my savior. For he has looked upon his handmaid’s lowliness; behold, from now on will all ages call me blessed.”

—The Gospel of the Lord.
