Pastor's Corner February 2, 2003 Presentation Of The Lord

The Catholic Digest published in November 2002 had an inspiring article. Its title was "Why Babies Cry in church".

As stated in the article, although it is embarrassing to have babies crying in church, it is actually a blessing. The author also said with a sense of humor: it could be a sign for those unprepared preachers to stop repeating his words.

Baby's cry is even more effective than using any word to describe topics in the bible such as "the paralyzer's appeal for mercy" or "life is valuable", as stated by the author.

It is also very likely that the cry helps to bring back the concentration of the parishioners attending the Mass.

In no doubt, we should respect parents who bring their babies or children to church, because before they left their homes, they already started to live the spirit of Mass: sacrifice your life for others.


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