Pastor's Corner February 9, 2003 5th Ordinary Sunday

A mother of five wanted the answer to a very interesting question: "How do children know they are being loved?"

Her children have all grown up. The following is what her children said to her:

"You told me every morning before school: 'I love you.' and you put a note with the same words in my lunch bag."

"Although you didn¡¦t satisfy all my wishes, you satisfied all my needs."

"You gave me freedom to make certain decisions but I feel you by my side, giving me unlimited support."

"When I woke up at 4 o'clock every morning to go to work, you have already prepared my breakfast and my lunch. From you, I learned to give unconditionally to others."

"When I was young, you made me leave a party you felt was inappropriate. I was unwilling at that time but in the end you were right."


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