Pastor's Corner March 16, 2003 2nd Sunday of Lent

The Financial Report from October to December 2002 is published in this issue of the bulletin. Looking at the figures, it is obvious that the Church Building Fund requires continual generosity from everyone. I would like to again thank the Usher Group, the Accounting Team and the Finance Team for their wonderful cooperation.

This Easter, we are going to have a new organ for use during liturgical celebrations. This new organ has been donated by a charitable benefactor. To mark the occasion, we have decided to hold an organ concert on the night of April 26, featuring performance by a master organist.

To answer the Pope's call for us to pray for peace, beginning in Lent we will be celebrating Holy Hour Monday to Friday from 7 to 8 pm. Program includes: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, the Rosary, Meditation and Benediction.

The 2nd Worldwide Overseas Chinese Pastoral and Evangelization Convention will be held from July 1-4 in Toronto this year. The theme is "The Teaching of Confucianism is the Prelude for the Gospels". Guest speakers are Fr. Sung and Sr. Ko. On the evening of July 2 and 3, however, Fr. Giampietro PIME will give a seminar at our parish. The chair for this event is Fr. Paul Pang OFM, whom we are familiar with. Parishioners are invited to all seminars. Further information will be provided later.

At present, we need your assistance as host families to help reduce the financial burden of brothers and sisters visiting from overseas. Please contact the parish office as soon as possible. Tel.: 905-294-1377.


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