Pastor's Corner March 23, 2003 3rd Sunday of Lent

Fr. Ron Rolheiser is a columnist of The Catholic Register. In his recent article, he invited everyone to reflect on the topic, "Loneliness of Leaving Home".

He said on his article: ever since a human was born, he would be temporarily, or even permanently, separated from the things or people he met in his life. Family is, of course, a shelter for a person to grow up. However, the true final home for everyone is still the love of God.

"Who is my mother? Who are my brothers and sisters? For whoever does the will of my heavenly Father is my mother, my brother, and my sister."

Fr. Rolheiser applied the above response from Jesus to indicate that doing the will of our Father is the real intention of family. Spiritual community can even be our second home, a home which go beyond blood ties, culture and races. We are never alone again in our life journey. We even found from each other "bone from my bone, flesh from my flesh".

The Rite of Communal Penance and Reconciliation will be held in our parish at 4pm on April 6 (Sunday). Six fathers are invited to hear confessions. Fathers are also available for confession at each Sunday Mass. Please make good use of different opportunities to do reconciliation in the church.


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