Pastor's Corner April 6, 2003 5th Sunday of Lent

Indian spiritual/political leader Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869-1948) once said: "Violence and war are humanityˇ¦s greatest mistakes. Preventing war is the responsibility of peace supporters."

Adolfo P. Esquivel was the Nobel Peace Prize winner in 1980. He was a professor of architecture and sculpture. He received the honour for his efforts in the non-violent resolution of the conflict between Argentina's extreme military government and terrorism at that time.

He believed that terrorism stems from a lack of righteousness and democracy in the world, as well as the presence of economical and cultural injustice. He stated, "No one is born a brute."

"Liberty, Equality and Fraternity" is the slogan during the French Revolution.

Fraternity is what our global village needs the most but also lacks the most. If we all become more considerate and understanding of each other, war can be prevented.


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