Pastor's Corner April 27, 2003 Sunday of Divine Mercy

On April 30, 2000, the first Sunday after Easter, Pope John Paul II canonized Sr. Mary Faustina Kowalska at St. Peter's Square in Rome. His Holiness also used that occasion to institute the first Sunday after Easter as the "Sunday of Divine Mercy".

Sr. Faustina was Polish, and joined the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy at the age of 20. In her 13 years with the Order, she held humble positions such as working in the kitchen and in the gardens. Nevertheless, Jesus had a special love for her, inviting her to spread His mercy and love for humankind.

Sr. Faustina, through her holy vision, saw an image of Jesus' heart, from which two rays of light emanate - one white and one red ¡V representing the water and blood that streamed from His side when He was pierced on the Cross.

On April 18, 1993, when His Holiness Pope John Paul II beatified Sr. Faustina, he said, "God speaks to us through Sr. Faustina's rich spiritual experiences. She leaves the world with the great message of 'Divine Mercy', and encourages us to fully offer ourselves to our Creator."

May we learn the faith to offer up ourselves and rely on Jesus' mercy.


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