Pastor's Corner May 4, 2003 3rd Sunday of Easter

The Children Formation Team, after months of research, have developed plans to establish a Children's Choir and a Children's Scouts Group at the end of summer 2003. A monthly Children's mass, as well as a Children's Summer Camp, is also in the plans. Details will be announced at a later date. The spiritual director of the Children Formation Team is Sr. Josephine.

Recently a group of high school students in our parish took the initiative to raise funds for under-privileged children in Africa - this is very encouraging news. In turn the Parish showed a lot of support, demonstrating our approval of their proactiveness. At the same time this act of charity increases the young people's sense of responsibility for those in need.

Also several brothers and sisters in our parish have mentioned that they would like to establish a Senior Services Team, to provide for the elderly. Those interested should speak to Sr. Pia.

Lastly, the Worldwide Overseas Chinese Pastoral and Evangelization Convention, which was originally planned for July 2003 at our parish, has been moved to Los Angeles, with the date to be determined. Let¡¦s all continue to pray for this endeavour.


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