Pastor's Corner May 18, 2003 5th Sunday of Easter

On October 19 of this year, Pope John Paul II will beatify Mother Teresa of Calcutta. She is the founder of the Missionaries of Charity.

What is well-known about Mother Teresa is her selfless spirit. She searched for the dying on the street in the day and spent most of the time on praying at night. According to a letter that is recently made public, however, Mother Teresa had also experienced John of the Cross's "dark night of the soul".

She once wrote a letter to her spiritual director saying that, "I feel that God has left me, I even doubt His existence." Nevertheless, she continued to pray often.

When we have doubts towards God's love, please continue to pray and to practice kindness and love. The sky before dawn is the darkest. Please don't be discouraged.

I would like to use this opportunity to thank you all parishioners for financially supporting the following activities: subsidizing Mexico Connection Experience ($4800), donating gifts to Mexico children ($657.75) and fundraising for children of "Togo" in Africa ($2001.49).


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