Pastor's Corner May 25, 2003 6th Sunday of Easter

The Archdiocese of Toronto invites all parishes to participate in the Volunteer Screening Program. The theme of the program is "Strengthening the Caring Community". The mission of the program is to:

(1) To safeguard, in all respects, all of those to whom we minister.
(2) To support parish volunteers and preserve their safety, integrity and reputation.
(3) To ensure that we fulfill our duty and obligation as a faith community.

Our parish has put a lot of time and effort in the Volunteer Screening Program. It is worthwhile because the program allows volunteers to recognize their duties, which helps them to perform better when serving our parish. This is especially beneficial for the development of the parish in the future.

As we base the services in our parish on the Gospel, it is crucial to have a good knowledge of God's words, and to live by them. We cannot change the world, but Jesus can. Let us take the initiative and live out the words of our Lord. Jesus will take care of the rest.


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