Pastor's Corner June 22, 2003 Body and Blood of Christ

As you may all know, the mass for the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which is held at 8 pm on the first Friday of every month, not only includes the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, but also dedicates to Prayer for Vocation.

In June, a Canadian youth, who has led a consecrated life, shared his vocation journey with us.

His ancestors arrived and settled in the East coast of Canada four hundred years ago. At a young age, he joined the army and was assigned to military services in Vancouver.

During his vacation, he and a friend volunteered at a church in Vancouver. At that time, he met a visiting Italian priest, from whom he experienced a unique aura. Deeply drawn by this extraordinary experience, he left the army, where he served for more than five years, and embarked on his journey to priesthood.

He has worked in Toronto ever since he completed the vocation training. Three years ago, he was even sent to serve in Africa and did not return to Toronto until this passed March.

He explained, "No matter where we are, if we can live and serve other selflessly, we will be happy, contented and emancipated."


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