Pastor's Corner July 6, 2003 14th Ordinary Sunday
(Feast Day of Chinese Martyrs)

First of all, thank you for your prayers. The Mexico trip was a great success, and later on we will host a session to share our experiences. We have donated the $550 USD collection from CMC to five local Mexican children to fund their education.

The future Vicar General of our diocese, Bishop Bohan, will be consecrated Bishop on July 3rd in Moncton. He will be responsible for religious communities, Pastoral Mission Fund, and general administration in the northern part of the diocese and Durham.

The Senior Vicar General Bishop Grecco, who attended the commemoration of the 16th Anniversary of our parish, will be responsible for pastoral work in various ethnic communities (except Italian). He will be serving in the Scarborough area, as well as in the mid-diocese area. Another Vicar General, Bishop Boissonneau will continue to serve in the west part of the diocese - in the areas of education and the community of permanent deacons.

Recently, the Ontario bishops' Conference has voiced their dissent to the federal government regarding the topic of "same-sex marriage". The conference also encourages Catholics to provide ongoing support of this stand. If ever a Catholic is invited to attend a "same-sex marriage", he/she should state clearly, "According to the Canon Law and the constant teaching of the Church, I am unable to witness a same-sex marriage".


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