Pastor's Corner July 13, 2003 15th Ordinary Sunday

During the Mass for Chinese Martyrs Feast day, Bishop Grecco pointed out that only in Heaven do perfect rites exist. He said that because he brought the wrong vestments for the occasion, and prepared sermon on the wrong Gospel passage. Actually, it was my fault for not communicating the details clearly to him beforehand. Bishop Grecco is very forbearing and did not put the blame on me. To have a pardoning heart is something that I need to learn from him.

It has been more than a week since I came back from the Mexico Connection Experience Trip. What have I learned? In the past, I believed that "Free Trade" is a righteous thing to do. However, if "Free Trade" denuded the government's right to protect civilians, capitalists may expand uncontrollably. In this case, civilians who do not have enough capital will suffer. For example, Mexican farmers grow potatoes that are substandard to imported produce. Without subsidy from the government, it would be a miracle if these farmers could survive long.

"Globalization" ("Village Earth") is an ideal shared by all humankind. However, if one's own interest is put before other peopleˇ¦s needs, the gap between the wealthy and the poor would only widen.

Thus, "the culture of giving" advocated in the Gospel is the only true path that globalization should take.


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