Pastor's Corner July 20, 2003 16th Ordinary Sunday

July 21 is Fr. Ted Colleton's 90th birthday. His name is very well-known in the "prolife movement" community. In the past 32 years, Fr, Ted has worked tirelessly to promote the cause for "protection of unborn babies" in Toronto. He was even put in jail for several times in the 80's because of his participation in the "countermovement" for "anti-abortion".

Fr Ted is an Irish. He entered the Holy Ghost novitiate when he was young. In 1941, after his ordination to the priesthood, Fr. Ted was assigned to evangelize in Kenya, Africa where he remained until 1971. In the same year he was assigned to work in Toronto where he is still working today.

Fr. Ted's contribution to pro-life has made him a role model for us to follow. In fact, on 13th of this month, our parish has already established a "Pro-life Committee". All interested parishioners please contact myself for details. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank you Jeannie Wu and Bernadette Cheng for their endless effort in the past.


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