Pastor's Corner August 3, 2003 18th Ordinary Sunday

I can say "NO"
I can say "no" to the Appeal Courts in Ontario and British Columbia for the legalization of same-sex marriage. Bishop Jean-Louis Plouffe, president of the Ontario Conference of Catholic Bishops, said, "From our viewpoint, we are not denying legal rights and protection for homosexuals but traditional family beliefs and definitions should not be changed."

This is a serious issue. It is definitely not beneficial to Canadians if laws regarding same-sex marriage are not passed through debate of counsellors representing the communities but by sole decisions of a three-judge panel.

According to news from The Globe and Mail on July 25th, the "Canadians Against Same-Sex Marriage" demonstration will take place on August 22nd at the Ottawa Parliament Building. The group's organizer, Tim Dooling, stated, "If we do not object, any type of relationship can be legalized in the future, such as incest or polygamy."

Other than using different channels to express our objections, our prayers are also essential, because we need God's power to resist wrongful legislations.


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