Pastor's Corner August 10, 2003 19th Ordinary Sunday

Walking Hand-In-Hand
Recently, there was an announcement regarding 'Same Sex Marriage' in the Archdiocese of Toronto:

"Marriage is the union of a man and a woman. They can, and usually do, conceive and bear children, whom they have the joy and responsibility of nurturing and educating to adulthood. All persons deserve respect in accord with their human dignity. Trying to rename other kinds of relationships to call them "marriage", however, is inaccurate. It seeks to make the universal institution of marriage and the family into a tool; an instrument to be used for other objectives."

Many politicians consider the preaching of the church to be purely a religious matter; that it is separate from politics. They forget that the moral standard of the society is closely related to its people. The respect for religious belief does not imply partiality to a certain religion, rather, the Christian way of living is the solid foundation of any society.

Moreover, many people have the following misconception: They believe that "Caesar is Caesar, and God is God" is equivalent to the separation of politics from religion. Actually, Jesus' original intent is that if we could devote ourselves to worldly matters, then we should offer even more of ourselves to serve and obey Christ's command.

Let us continue to pray for political leaders; I also invite all of you to participate and express our concern in the peace parade held on August 22 in Ottawa.


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