Pastor's Corner August 24, 2003 21st Ordinary Sunday

Prayer is Power
From the third letter of Aloysius Cardinal Ambrozic, Archbishop of Toronto:

"Democratic Process

All Canadians have the right and responsibility to be active participants in any decisions about the most foundational building blocks of society, such as marriage.

Courts have the essential and balancing role of interpreting law, not of making law.

Governments should lead and discuss the problems with all the parties in the House of Commons, and ultimately with all Members of Parliament. They are responsible to represent the people of Canada. This is the democratic process.

In a free and democratic society, it is every citizen's responsibility to define and shape our core institutions and values."

Unity gives us strength. By praying together, we become even stronger. I, hereby, invite all of you to pray the Rosary (10 Hail Mary) for the Canadian government everyday.


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