Pastor's Corner August 31, 2003 22nd Ordinary Sunday

Our Lady, Queen of Heaven, Pray for us.
In his fourth Letter to the Pastors on the topic of Same Sex Marriage, Cardinal Ambrozic, Archbishop of Toronto, wrote:

Where the nature of human relationships or roles are of different kinds, those relationships or roles naturally have different functions and names. The dignity of men and women would not, for instance, be altered if a secular law decreed that henceforth all females were to be redefined as males. Similarly, marriage is a union of a man and woman, a relationship which has the inherent and probable capacity to conceive and bear children. Many kinds of relationships exist, and some are given forms of legal recognition. But, only marriage is marriage.

On August 22, I participated as an individual citizen in the peaceful demonstration held on Ottawa's Parliament Hill by "Canadians Against Same Sex Marriage". Of the 5,000 or so demonstrators, over half were of Chinese descent. This turnout shows just how strong Chinese family values are. Coincidentally, August 22 is also the feast of Our Lady Queen of Heaven. One of the Members of Parliament in attendance at the demonstration accepted the invitation of the event's organizer to table a Bill in the House of Commons proposing to institute August 22 as Canada's Day of the Family. Let us pray that our Heavenly Mother will protect the people of Canada, so that we might live out God's will fully in our everyday lives.


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