Pastor's Corner September 21, 2003 25th Ordinary Sunday

An appointment with you and me
The annual "Life Chain" Rally will be held on October 5 (Sunday) from 2 - 3 p.m. at intersections of many major roads here in Greater Toronto Area. Parishioners from our parish have also been invited to participate. For this year, the intersection of Steeles / McCowan is added as a spot for demonstration. That is absolutely a convenience for our parish.

The rally is organized by the Toronto "Pro-Life" Campaign. This campaign is constituted of many persons of various religions with deep devotion of love to life. Cardinal Ambrozic of the archdiocese of Toronto is one of the patrons. Many priests are core members to the campaign. Rev. Fr. Ted is one of them. On September 5, he had come to our parish to share his vocation during the mass of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

For many persons, such an act to raise signs of slogan on streets may be of no avail or little use to arouse people's attention. They could certainly have their own reason. However, more active "voices" (words that speak) are always advantageous and harmless to the society. Moreover, it is a trial of exercising our courage and confidence.

Last year, I had participated in the "Life Chain" Rally held at Steeles / Kennedy. Many of our parishioners did join me in this demonstration, in which there were also many families from other heritage. At that particular moment, I had a sense of unity of hearts blending into one.

We need courage to stand out. It requires more courage at the critical time to make decision. Encourage one another and standing hands in hands, we could establish a chain-solid castle of determination. This is truly the source of courage.


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