Pastor's Corner September 28, 2003 26th Ordinary Sunday

Saint for our Time
Michael W. Hunter was a condemned prisoner on San Quentin's death row in California. In the summer of 1987, Mother Teresa visited San Quentin's death row. Mother Teresa arrived just as Hunter finished playing basketball; he met and greeted her by the gymnasium. Mother Teresa gave him a religious medal. Since Hunter's wife seriously considered being a nun when she was young, he sent her the religious medal, knowing that she would treasure it.

In 1989, his wife told him that she wanted to divorce him. He was speechless and returned his wedding ring to her but requested to have the religious medal back.

Surprisingly, not only did his wife not divorce him, but she also began to visit him at the prison every week. She loved him more than ever.

Meanwhile, Mother Teresa wrote a letter to the California Supreme Court to appeal Hunter's death penalty. In 2002, the Court ordered a second trial for Hunter's case. As a result, his sentence was reduced to life without the possibility for parole.

Indeed, the meeting with Mother Teresa has granted Hunter a new life.

Mother Teresa will be beautified on October 19, 2003.


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