Pastor's Corner October 5, 2003 27th Ordinary Sunday

Let Us Sing Together
The Annual Sing-a-thon will take place Saturday, October 18th at Don Bosco Hall. Because of our parishioners' participation in World Youth Day, the Sing-a-thon had been cancelled for two years. From past experience, this event is not only a chance to increase support for the Church Building Fund, but it is also an opportunity for parishioners to gather and collaborate.

Since the church has been established for ten years now, parishioners may wonder why there is still a need for the Church Building Fund. Indeed it is necessary. Our parish still owes the bank a 15% interest loan of $932,109.47 as of June of this year. Additionally, we owe the diocese an interest-free loan of $983,337.63. This totals to over $1,900,000.

We do not need to be concerned because our parish is financially sound. Most importantly, we should be living in joy to reflect our trust in God. Jesus promised us, "Seek first the kingdom (of God) and his righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides." (Matthew 6:33)

So with our beautiful voices, let us praise our Father in heaven, who attentively looks after us.


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